=) i had to wait till i come back home before i can make this post... just now was too chaotic... and i had to rush so i hadnt got time to post what i wanted to...
i was kinda late for my submission today... hopefully its not too late... like bout 20 minutes?? lol...anyway...u wanna know WHY???
when i was about to leave my apartment, i got a ring on the intercom...
MC-53: hello?
Buzz: Hi i've got a parcel for you
MC-53: may i know who is it for?
Buzz: erm.. richard lee
*eyes gleam*
MC-53: i'll be right down
i walked back into my apartment wondering what on earth it is.. altho i kinda knew what it is gonna but i was like this whole package from andrea???
then i noticed something....
and mind u... i noticed one or two ants trying to get in the box...
and when i opened it...TADA~!
LOL... well thank God everything is still inside
so guess wat i found? =)
there was actually a green envelope but i ignored i was too excited to see what would be inside...
and in a way, everything inside was "food" wonder got invaded by the mangy customs...haha
i was like OMG.....!!!! this so reminds me of aling larrrr..... we saw this on our first and last "date" before i left for aussie...
its actually an armrest...but its done so synthetically well... its smells, feels and looks like a real donut..!! =) ... yummy....=D
and then...i found something that gave those quarantine fellas even more reason to open this package....
looks wat's inside..=)
the bottle looks like it has been tempered with... and perhaps they actually took a few pills for testing...T_T""""
then i tilted the bottle to read whats underneath...
can't it be anymore obvious that this is not drugs????
anyway...the BEST PART...
HONEY STARS~!!!!!!!!
okay all my aussie frens... honey stars is something that you guys just dont have..!!! i remember walking up and down the cereal aisle of Safeway and i could find no Honey Stars... i was like sulking already...Honey Stars is like my favourite cereal i mean im like the only big kid at the cereal aisle everytime my family go shopping... and without fail i would just grab Honey Stars everytime... =)
OMG guys u really didnt have to.... but
then only came the time where i opened my green envelope
and inside was this
i flipped it over and i found this
i noticed alicia's note =)
and she had to end with this...
and then i noticed andrea's note..=D
and the last one was
anyway guys... just to be serious abit here... quarantine and customs here are like super duper strict okay?
so next time try not to send anything that resembles drugs or food ya?? lol...or else u and i may be called in for questioning... serious no joke... =)
but still
THANK U...!!! =) u made me SO happy today.....
u made my heart went AAAWWWW...hehe
but uh... they're all back in the box already.... i cant bare to use them... altho i do know i would have to eat the Honey Stars before it expires...hehe...
*over the moon happy* that it got through +D
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