But let your heart keep my commands
For length of days and long life
and peace they will add to you
Let not mercy and truth forsake you
Bind them around your neck
Write them on the tablets of your heart
And so find favor and high esteem
In the sight of God and man
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And He shall direct your paths
(and it goes on....)
Proverbs Chapter 3
i woke up this morning to get this done... it was easy i guess... but when i sat to write down my wishes to my mum.. it was kinda hard.... i tried not to be emotional... but how can one not be in situations such as this...
to my dear mother, this is for u.... hopefully grace doesnt mess up the printing...lol

My dear mother
The image of you reading Proverbs 3 to me the day I flew to Australia never left my mind. It is as vivid as ever because those were the words that gave life to this barren soul. Because of your love for your son, today he is growing even more in God than you can ever imagine. Because of your unceasing love for your son, today he is a better man. I’m sorry that I couldn’t spend mother’s day with you this year, and probably for the next few more years down the road. But I do promise you that one day we will celebrate mother’s day again, together as one big family. Till that day comes, always know that your son misses you and loves you very very much…
Your son, with love
Richard Lee
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