Sunday, July 19, 2009

it's unfair isnt it?


as an unborn child, lil Rick choked himself with his umbilical cord in his mother's womb... cutting the oxygen supply to his brain... making him a born vegetable.. forever paralyzed...

the doctors recommended that he put to rest.. i'm sure if he could speak, he would ask for the same thing...

but his parents chose to keep him. Dick was his father...

one day in his primary years, Rick and Dick joined a marathon together... Rick was once an athlete so he pushed his son all the way to the finish line...

after the race, Rick told his father that when he was out there running, he felt normal again.. ever since then... Dick never stopped running... just so his son will feel normal again... to be normal... to be accepted....

and as the whole church fell silent watching the father and son duo make it thru the triathlon... i cant help but smile... but at the same time, i could not hold back what i know very well is tears at my eyes...

Dick would swim and drag Rick along with him on a inflatable boat... He would run with him, pushing him along on a wheeled basket... He would sit Rick in front of his bike and cycle with him...

everything just so his son would be normal again...


just so unfair isnt it?

but such is the love of God for me

i do feel retarded almost all the time... unlike Rick who was borned that way... i feel retarded coz i chose to be... and it's just all a mess....

but still God died for me

so unfair...

but such is the Father's love

God is like constantly reminding me of His love for me, again and again...

No more sorrow, no more pain...

You hold me now, You hold me now...

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