Monday, July 6, 2009

oh my gosh...i re-read my recent posts and i realize my English SUCK big time....

like how i wrote "late back" instead of "laid back" and how i wrote "taking pictures are so not my thing" instead of "IS so not my thing"....@_@


i just finished watching Australia... after like wat... breaking it up to 3, 4 times? it was just so boring i had to stop watching it and continue another time.. and today i officially finished watching one of the most boring shows ever... but i guess i just wanted to watch cos after all i AM in Australia.. so no harm watching a show about its history (more like a super drama-fied history in the case of this movie).... and it is just SO BORING.....

but for some strange reason i teared again in this show... WHY LAAAAAA.........


but hey, as much as my english suck... im getting paid lately to take trial english tests.. wohoooo~!!!! FIFTY DOLLARS again tomorrow...=DDDD

1 comment:

Andrea Kong said...

Why? Australia was nice! I don't see what was there to cry abt though.You cried when the boy's mama drowned? You very emo la. haha.