Tuesday, May 5, 2009

okay people... back to talking about warm and fuzziness... =)

i actually had a whole list of warm and fuzzy things to share with u about... but i decided i shouldnt.. cos warm and fuzzy should be left for God... cos He is just so awesome...

it is When God tells me He loves me. When all I know is that I do not deserve His love but yet He chooses to love without any reason at all.. and to just love me.. that’s what I call warm and fuzzy… it’s the best warm and fuzzy u can ever get in this whole wide world… it is a love that the world can never take away… a warm and fuzzy that cannot be replaced… *sob* =)

that's warm and fuzzy to me..=)

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us
(Romans 5:8).

1 comment:

Tuki_Lee said...

hey hey! haha. wished u were still in kl? as u are feeling so cold there. kl is like a heated up oven everyday without fail. it hardly rains. n even if it does, it just makes things worse off. its so humid!! hahaha. take care of urslef k? i heard u r nt doing good. =) love ya!! XOXO.